Monday, June 30, 2008

You can't be serious

Last Tuesday up to 10,000 license plate holders of the letter combination W-T-F were notified that they would have to change their plates. It all started when some kids told their grandma what the acronym stood for. Outraged she told the DMV, which led the the notification to others that this combination might be "offensive" to others. Yah give me a break. Who could this offend? It is not directed towards anyone and if someone is offended it is their fault for seeing the letter combination for that phrase and not for just randomized letters. Officals were also shocked when they discovered that on their own website they had a picture of a customizable plate with that letter combination. Wow your telling me that no one knew what those letters stood for. Pretty soon are lisense plates will just be numbers because so many people are "offended." People please grow up not everything is directed towards you.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Ok my first reaction to this video was- alright they just are a bad dancer having fun for a couple seconds, but it would not stop and I was just shocked that she would continue. It would not be fair to call her an idiot but clearly her dancing is idiodic. There are two theories. 1. She is on some type of drug.
2. She is like Elaine from Seinfeld and needs someone to tell her how bad of a dancer she is.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


When I first got online today, I checked my usual sites and saw a video that was quite hilarious. The video is of a kid trying to spin on he escalator, but as he is successful he gets stuck between the two. Now you tell me was this an idiotic act which I think so, but I also find it hilarious and would like to congratulate the kid for having the balls to attempt this; or was this just a failed attempt of youtube spotlight, (which he got either way)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Don Imus

We all know of Don Imus because of his famous slip up last year on the radio, when he called the Ladies Rutgers Basketball Team "nappy headed hoes." Not only was he stupid for even leading into this discussion, but stupid enough to say it on the error. How idiotic do you have to be to say something racial like that on public radio? Imus is known not only for being one of the ugliest men on Earth, but for his racial and gender remarks. Why would someone so ugly put himself in the spotlight. Come on buddy that's why you are on the radio-not TV. Jeese wouldnt that be frightful to see. A crusted over oldman.

Anyway back to his latest controversy. This monday we Imus's name popped up in the media once again. First off I wasn't even aware he was back on the radio. Imus gets on the subject of the troubled cornerback Adam Pacman Jones. He talks about how many times he has been arressted.
DON IMUS: What color is he?
WARNER WOLF: He's African-American.
DON IMUS: Well there you go, now we know.

This guy is perhaps one of the stupidous people in the media. How many times has he done this now? And of course he tries to say that he was being sarcastic about how black people are unfairly arressted, well that doesnt even make sense. Don do us all a favor and jump off cliff or atleast put a bag over your head the next time you will be in the news cause its scary.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today's Idiot

This is a new blog to share the idiots to the web. There are a lot of stupid people out there so why not appreciate them here for their stupidity?

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