Thursday, June 26, 2008


When I first got online today, I checked my usual sites and saw a video that was quite hilarious. The video is of a kid trying to spin on he escalator, but as he is successful he gets stuck between the two. Now you tell me was this an idiotic act which I think so, but I also find it hilarious and would like to congratulate the kid for having the balls to attempt this; or was this just a failed attempt of youtube spotlight, (which he got either way)

1 comment:

coloredflowers said...

I laughed so much at the vid with my sister. It was good, I almost thought the guy was going to be split in two pieces.
The best thing you could do is just go to popular blogs and leave comments and your link as well as joining some blog searches.

That link explains a lot about promoting your blog(including more about what I mentioned above). You should read through it and do what you can. Hopefully we will both have more people in the future. ^^

I also added you to my links on my site. ^^